• Classes commence after the Morning Prayer. The students are required to be punctual and to be present in time for the prayer. Late entry to the school will be permitted to a maximum of five times only.
  • Students should be regular to the school. If the attendance of a student is less than 75%, he / she will not be permitted to take the annual examination.
  • Records are maintained regarding punctuality, regularity, behavior and academic performance of the students and intimated to the parents periodically.
  • Students should come in neat and complete uniform. Neat fitting bloomer is compulsory for girls and short haircut is compulsory for boys.
  • Irregular attendance, unsatisfactory progress in studies, habitual idleness and disobedience are injurious to the moral tone of the school and are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of the pupil. Any damage to the school property must be remedied at the cost of the offender.
  • Students must use English language at all times with each other and with teachers inside and outside the classroom. This includes the journey to and from school, on the school bus and all sports/ extra-curricular activities.
  • Students who damage the school property will be held responsible for the damage and will be expected to pay for it at the current market price of the property.
  • Students must help the school to the best of their ability to maintain the peaceful, friendly and happy atmosphere of the school which is conductive to learning.
  • Students should always pay attention in class, and follow all instructions given by their teachers.
  • Misbehaviors in the classroom that disrupts teaching and disturbs other students will result in disciplinary action.
  • Students are encouraged to use the library for reference, quiet study and recreational reading. Library staff are always present to assist those who need help.
  • For school buses, stops will not be allowed at places other than the scheduled stops.
  • It is compulsory for all students to attend the school in the prescribed uniform which should be clean and neatly pressed and shoes brightly polished. Student should desist from shabby appearances with long hair (for boys), uncut nails etc.
  • Children are permitted to wear dresses other than school uniform on their birthdays. Parents must be please ensuring that the dress is decent and in keeping with the sanctity and decorum of the school.
  • Permission to leave early will not be granted as a matter of course. Under unavoidable circumstances, with the written request from the parent such permission may be granted.
  • In order to facilitate interaction between Principal, Teachers and Parents, Parents can visit school on all Saturdays from 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm (Except second Saturday of every month). Teachers are available exclusively for this purpose. Parents are free to discuss the concerns of their ward with the respective teachers.
  • Strict disciplinary actions will be taken against those who include in bullying or harassing fellow students or in such other activities of indiscipline.
  • Fee once paid cannot be refunded under any circumstances.
  • The management reserves the right to change fee structure or amend rules with the prior notice to the parents.
  • Students should not wear costly jewelry and use of expensive things such as calculator, personal computers, laptops, mobiles iPods and other electronic gadgets in the school, are strictly prohibited.
  • Students should carry this diary book to school every day.