Vidya Spoorti International Academy follows the syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education in India.

The system is focused on giving children a holistic and balanced system of learning. The philosophies of our school are in line with the ideals of the CBSE board. We are dedicated to improving the academic standards of our students while keeping them interested and completely free of stress.

The curriculum is a vessel. If we place focus on the skills development, our classrooms will have engaging lessons and kids will be the driving forces behind the learning.

  • At the heart of the learning comprises a central team of academicians entrusted with the task of conceptualizing and influencing the practice of teaching that builds qualitative education.
  • The center provides academic resources and lesson planning to introduce extra-curricular programs for moral and character development which facilitate professional development and holistic learning experience for the students, and ensures that the curriculum includes:
  • NCERT syllabus-based teaching.
  • Centrally created lesson plans to teachers on what to teach, how and when during the course time with clear cut instructions.
  • Enhanced lesson plans with imbedded ICT, audio-visual components, activities and group discussions.
  • Continuous and comprehensive assessments carried out in a learner centric approach, aiming to test not just the knowledge acquisition of the students but also his/her understanding, aptitude and progressive vis-à-vis the learning objectives.
  • An assurance of quality.
  • Innovation in teaching methods in order to focus on every student’s growth.
  • Continuous changes and improvements in the methods of examinations and evaluations.
  • Skill learning by adding a lot of activities along with academics.
  • Regularly training teachers by conducting training programs and workshops.